Money-Back Guarantee
It’s important that we make sure you FEEL SAFE when you decide to order. Therefore, we have set the policy of issuing a money-back guarantee on every purchase to our clients. We are very confident that once you place your first order with us, you will instantly feel optimistic about the quality of our services and will remain a loyal customer for many years.
Our money-back guarantee ensures we pay you back if anything goes awry with your order. You can request a refund at any time, including any problems you might experience. This is why our company has such a high customer satisfaction rate and why our refund requests are rare.
The money-back guarantee is one of our central features, and it has been a subject of significant debate among our team members. At the core, this feature ensures our customers don’t lose their money on a service that does not meet their expectations. However, by offering this feature, we invite our customers to contact us with complaints, which could be exaggerated or misleading. Within 14 business days, you will be granted a refund if your request is approved. Otherwise, it will take 3-4 business days for your refund to go through.